

In 2004 Romania launched its “Romanian Policy and Strategy in the field of Occupational Health and Safety for the period 2004-2007” a strategy paper issued in accordance with the “Community strategy on health and safety for 2002−2006”. The third objective of the national strategy states that:

“Developing activities of prevention of work accidents and occupational diseases by forming a culture of prevention of occupational risks”.

Under this objective an entire chapter is dedicated to Workplace Health Promotion which is heavily based on the Luxembourg Declaration (of ENWHP):

“ …. the combined effort of employees, employers and of the whole society so that it improves the health of people associated with professional determinants …. ”.

This quote goes to the heart of the idea the promoters of this project had, i.e. to provide occupational health practitioners and public health experts with the knowledge, and instruments necessary to implement workplace health promotion initiatives.

The ELWHP Project aims to support member States' policies on lifelong learning and the build-up of knowledge, skills and competences which are vital for the future European economies as stated in the Community Policy on Lifelong Learning. The project addresses some of the priorities stated in the Lisbon Strategy (2000) which sets up a new strategic goal for the European Union, i.e. to strengthen employment, economic reform and social cohesion as part of a knowledge – based economy.

The Lisbon Strategy, also known as the Lisbon Agenda or Lisbon Process, is an action and development plan for the European Union and its aim is to make the EU:

"the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion, and respect for the environment by 2010".

In its resolution on the mid-term review of the Lisbon strategy in March 2005, the European Parliament expressed its belief that "sustainable growth and employment are Europe's most pressing goals and underpin social and environmental progress" and "that well-designed social and environmental policies are themselves key elements in strengthening Europe's economic performance".

The project addresses also the Copenhagen Declaration of 2002 as it aims to develop a European common quality assurance framework for Vocational Education and Training as well as to strengthen policies, systems and practices for lifelong guidance.

Project Aim

The project aims to deliver an Integrated Training Course (face to face training & e-learning) for Occupational Health & Public Health experts. It also aims to build a consensus among the occupational health and safety specialists’ community regarding the need to have workplace health promotion within the curricula of both specialties involved (Occupational Health & Public Health).

Accordingly the project aims:

  • To organize an updated & specifically crafted Workplace Health Promotion Training Course for Occupational Health & Public Health experts;
  • To support the process of developing Workplace Health Promotion knowledge among the health professionals and other experts taking part in this training course;
  • To disseminate the content of the Training Course at European level for possible duplication according to various needs (OSH professionals as well as other stakeholders).

This website is a part of the e−learning component of the course (ELWHP). It is intended for health, OSH, and adult educational specialists. It is designed in collaboration with European partner, in order to teach workplace health promotion theory and practice.

Target Groups

Direct Beneficiaries

  • Occupational Health experts (30);
  • Public Health experts (10);

Indirect beneficiaries

  • Around 600 Romanian and European Occupational Health & Public Health experts;

Beneficiaries / Potential users:

Primary group of users / beneficiaries:

There is also a larger group of beneficiaries which is represented by the vast community of: 

  • Companies;
  • Companies’ representatives; and
  • Safety representatives.

They have their own needs, and these are not necessary only related to compulsory legislation (for example to comply with the legislation on Occupational Safety & Health) but also to other domains such as individual hygiene, workplace communication, crisis management, personnel development, etc. More and more companies are willing to invest in the health and well being of their employees, which is increasingly regarded as a resource. It is a noticeable development that these companies are more willing to do so based on the principles of workplace health promotion, and this means always more than the statutory requirements of Romanian legislation. It involves being in line with:

  • Principles of good practice (for example, Comprehensive Workplace Health Promotion projects);
  • Quality criteria of the European Network of Workplace Health promotion (such as the existence of a workplace health promotion and corporate policy, the cooperation between the Human resources and Work Organization departments, the acknowledgment of the social responsibility of any enterprise, the evaluation of the results of any workplace health promotion project etc).

Awareness raising and dissemination activities are foreseen in the project that will involve representatives of employers’ associations, unions and governmental agencies (National Association of Small and Medium sized Enterprises and Cooperation – ANIMMC). 

Secondary group of users / beneficiaries:

At European level there is a second group of users represented by all the members of the European Network of Workplace Health Promotion - ENWHP (27 members), of which 7 are involved directly in the project as Project Partners.


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This project is supported through the Lifelong Learning Programme. Agreement Number: LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-BE-104

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